
bornes port AjaccioThe solution of the management of fluids and electricity of the harbor wich runs since 2004 in Hyeres seduced the port of Ajaccio in Corsica.
Micro BE equip the 240 bollards water and electricity of the Charles Ornano harbor of Ajaccio during its totally renovation in 2020.

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Micro Be à la régate des Titans 2017

Micro Be is about to participate at the Titans Regatta, the economic partners the 16th september 2017, one more time.

Sébastien Destremau is the sponsor of this regatta!

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Portrait: the company Micro Be in La Garde: traceability in hospital

Traceability in hospitalChips are everywhere. They can be very useful above all. Especially in hospital for the traceability of hand hygiene such as attests the creation, in La Garde (France), in April 2015, of the company MediHandTrace (

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How fight against nosocomial infections?

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Micro BE is proud and very pleased to have accompanied Florian LAJUS until his "RCT Promotion" engineering degree!

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Article paru dans Var Entreprises N°61, juin 2015

Micro Be fights against nosocomial infections

In France, each year, 800 000 patients are contamined with a nosocomial infection.

10000 of them die.



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The company MICRO BE in the Var opens a new worldwide market

The engineering office in La Garde developped an efficient system against the nosocomial infections. MediHandTrace has not equivalence in the world.



jpg Var Matin 30 mars 2015 [18/05/2015 16:58] 857 Ko.

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La traçabilité automatisée de l’hygiène des mains et des soins.
Le consortium Medi-Handtrace, né en 2011 de l’alliance de deux entreprises aux compétences complémentaires, Micro BE et Ephygie-Hand, s’est fixé l’objectif de développer et de réaliser des systèmes automatisés de traçabilité de soins et d’hygiène des mains. Début 2015, le consortium décide de créer la société éponyme mediHandTrace. Sa vocation est de contribuer tant à la lutte contre les infections nosocomiales qu’à l’amélioration des soins.

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Contact information

ZI Toulon EST
130 rue Berthelot - BP387
83130 LA GARDE

0033 (0)4 94 14 48 70


Equipment of the harbor of Ajaccio (Corsica)

The solution of the management of fluids and electricity of the harbor wich runs since 2004 in ...

MICRO BE participates at the TITANS REGATTA 2017

Micro Be is about to participate at the Titans Regatta, the economic partners the 16th september 2017, one more ...
