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RFID electronic electricity and water box for bollards

This electronic box is used to manage water and electricity from bollards in harbours. With a contactless smartcard, 8 outputs are controlled (contactor and/or solenoid valve).
Each point is self-contained and can be configured differently according to the need of the site. (E.g. Occasional users or subscribers)
The user presents his card then selects electricity plug or water using a light on/light off push button.
The contactless smartcards are programmed with our software with a table reader which is connected to a computer.
They can also be managed using the specific harbour software. Contact us about the compatibility.
pdf Borne_2018.pdf [17/07/2018 17:13] 810 Ko.
pdf Electronic box for bollards datasheet [18/05/2015 16:59] 500 Ko.
pdf Fiche_produit_Capitainerie.pdf [15/02/2024 11:38] 405 Ko.
pdf Fiche_produit_Usager.pdf [15/02/2024 11:38] 452 Ko.
pdf La gestion des ports par badge RFID [18/05/2015 16:59] 633 Ko.

Contactless Mifare card, NXP quality


Multiservices software using RFID smartcard and table reader


USB contactless reader for Mifare card

Contact information

ZI Toulon EST
73 avenue Joseph Louis Lambot - BP387
83130 LA GARDE

0033 (0)4 94 14 48 70


Online reservation

Entrust us with your project, Micro Be will provide you with the reservation online YOU ...

hotel and camping

A first version of our automation is installed in a hotel for the analysis of water consumption per room.#hotel ...
