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Slipway access control using bank card

Access control management of the slipway by contactless badge and prepayment

Access terminal for slipway

You want a paid service, it's simple with this terminal.
Either you use the private port card or your bank card.
This product is made available to the public, it is easy to use. The payment is done by presentation of a card, the order is executed as soon as the money is debited.

No supporting ticket, this avoids problems with printers.

Operation with the private card:
Users reload their card at the harbor master's office with the port operating software and are debited each time they present their card according to the rights stored in the card.

Operation by contactless bank card:
The amount is displayed (between 1€ and 50€), the user present his card, the bank card payment system is activated.

Network connexion is necessary (IP or 4G) with bank server and management server.

pdf Fiche_cale_de_mise_a_l_eau.pdf [08/12/2021 15:46] 677 Ko.

Contact information

ZI Toulon EST
73 avenue Joseph Louis Lambot - BP387
83130 LA GARDE

0033 (0)4 94 14 48 70


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