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Multiservices software using RFID smartcard and table reader

Saxo is a convivial and self-contained multiservices system.
It manages accesses, electronic purse and catering with the same contactless smartcard.

A PC workstation including a smartcard reader and our specific Windows® software.

Saxo is designed to customize the layout and electronic data of the smartcards, to define the set-up of the stand-alone readers and to manage the card users’ records.

It also interfaces with handheld computers for special needs. (See datasheet PP453 AN).

Stand-alone access devices for example PA4xx or PA2xx to manage various services (access, electronic purse, clocking) adapting to the user’s chosen settings.

They can command a range of equipment such as locking devices, gates, vending machines, photocopiers, etc.

Contact information

ZI Toulon EST
73 avenue Joseph Louis Lambot - BP387
83130 LA GARDE

0033 (0)4 94 14 48 70


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hotel and camping

A first version of our automation is installed in a hotel for the analysis of water consumption per room.#hotel ...
