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Mobile reader using RFID card

Our applications can be used with mobile computer using contactless smartcard technology.

Depending on the software used, this terminal can manage various functions such as:

-       Identification terminal

-       Payment terminal

-       Control terminal

-       Catering

-       Portable electronic file (consultation and/or typing)

It is possible to visualize almost all information on the card and this can be customized.

The terminal is compatible with all our Saxo and Caisse software.

The terminal operates differently depending on the application used.

This terminal can be dedicated (using only the MICRO BE software) or as a PDA (MICRO BE software + Pocket Word, Excel, etc.) See application datasheet.

pdf Fiche technique PA692 [28/05/2015 15:16] 493 Ko.
pdf Fiche technique lecteur portable RFID [19/05/2015 16:00] 376 Ko.

Contact information

ZI Toulon EST
73 avenue Joseph Louis Lambot - BP387
83130 LA GARDE

0033 (0)4 94 14 48 70


Online reservation

Entrust us with your project, Micro Be will provide you with the reservation online YOU ...

hotel and camping

A first version of our automation is installed in a hotel for the analysis of water consumption per room.#hotel ...
